授業分析による「自然認識の過程」の研究(II) : 運動の法則の理解と質量概念の形成を事例として
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According to the conventional Physics education method, students were introduced to the Second Law of Motion by deriving the formula F (force) = m (mass) × a (acceleration) from an experiment designed to obtain the quantitative relationship among force, mass, and acceleration when an object is accelerated. Through this research, we have discovered that it is significant that prior to the understanding of to what extent mass is related to the acceleration of an object, the very understanding whether mass is related at all to the same must be grasped by the students. 1. Analysis of students' responses in the sessions concerning the Second Law of motion clarified the following facts about their understanding of mass: They think that in absence of friction, they do not have to consider the mass when an object of mass M moves. One of their reasons for this is that the gravitational pull exerted on M is balanced off by the reaction from the table on which the object lies. This opinion is very interesting because it shows that they believe that mass diappears when the gravitational pull is cancelled by reaction - that mass is identical with gravitational pull. Some other students give a second reason: an object moves easily if there is no friction, therefore difference in mass does not affect acceleration. These students think that mass and friction are the same. The concept unconsciously formed through everyday experiences such as heavy things are difficult to move tends to be a confused idea encompassing mass, friction, and gravitational pull and is often expressed as "weight". 2. Through analysis of the students' understanding before learning the Second Law of Motion and even before taking the Physics course, we have found out that this concept was indeed at a very unrefined stage. 1) They believe that it required a force greater than gravitational pull in order to move a stationary object horizontally, even in absence of friction. 2) They also believe that the horizontal vector of the velocity of an object that is propelled horizontally is constant if there is no gravitational pull but will become smaller if there is. These ideas show that they think that mass acts as a resistance not only to acceleration but also to motion. 3. We have found out that at a stage where concept of mass is not sufficiently formed, the concept of force is also bot clearly grasped. This may be seen in their view that "since objects of various mass reach the ground at the same time when dropped, the gravitational pull of the earth is unaffected by their mass." There is a considerable gap between the students' understanding founded on their everyday experiences and the Physics' concept of force as in F = ma.
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