授業分析による「自然認識の過程」の研究 : 慣性の法則を事例として
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It is a fact that a majority of students end up disliking natural sciences and physics. The real problem lies in the present situation whereby students are taught to deny learning through active contact with nature using their own minds and hands, but instead to passively accept what is written on the blackboard and presented by the instructor, convinced that those items are only to be memorized by rote. This problem arises from a lack of comprehension of the process of learning. It is all the more a necessity in the modern world, innudated as it is with information, to make a major effort to let the students grasp the meaning of what they are learning through concrete, actual experiences. But it is difficult to realize the inquiry method which is better for this purpose. On the other hand, the students have difficulty grasping the meaning of knowledge presented through the lecture method. This is why it is imperative that such research be carried out now. Therefore it is necessary to extract, as objectively as possible, from the class records of a carefully planned course, the actual stages of leaning in which the students proceed to a new level of understanding from what they have already studied. The next step is to express the process of learning which is not merely just an orderly reproduction of the deductive logic in a lecture type classroom, but a wholesome mental activity directed towards comprehending natural phenomena in correlation with one's everyday language in a form transferrable to others. Surely, there are yet other and numerous problems to be overcome before this goal can be realized. The present author has been trying to extract the exact steps in which students develop their understanding from actual cases through extensive analysis of "lessons" which are a process in which learning and instruction are strongly interlocked. Merely taking a close look at the records is not enough for separating the combined elements; one needs to set criteria to distinguish these elements. The major principle that was employed to extract the process of recognition from class records was to clarify how the students changed their previous understanding in order to adjust to a new experience that was acquired through either self-motivated activities or those performed with the instructor's advice. It is difficult to be objective in picking out the process of recognition from an analysis of lessons. One key to pinpointing the cause of the development of an elementary understanding to a more advanced stage may be indirectly suggested from experiences teaching in class. On the other hand, another is to search for what is yet unknown by induction, which is a trial-and-error method of guessing the next step in that naive way of understanding innate in man. A reflective way of thinking is effective when it is impossible to prove this by deduction. This requires a flexible way of thinking and keen intuition; therefore, this must be found in the class records. The final structure of the lessons that has been devised by the present author through trial-and-error is as follows: 1. Presentation of a theme by the instructor; 2. Predictions and supporting reasons concerning the theme are made and recorded in a notebook by students; 3. Class presentation of ideas, followed by discussion; 4. Recording in note form what is clarified, what is still in question, and what one personally thinks after listening to others' ideas; 5. Checking one's predictions after observation of an experiment; 6. Recording in note form what is made clear or what new doubts have resulted from the experiment. In this manner, the process of how high school students acquire the concepts of mechanics was probed. General Conclusion 1. There is a strong consistency in the students' naive understanding of force acquired through their everyday experiences. On the other hand, there is a deep confusion in their interpretations of phenomena. Thus, in order to revise such interpretations, a set of experiments and observations that present new experiences are required. 2. Among such interpretations are those which are formed merely from an easy analogy between similar phenomena or from gullibly accepting ready-made information unconfirmed by any actual experience. In such cases, students face difficulties in deriving their own understanding. 3. The experiments must be designed after clarifying the conditions under which the phenomenon in question happens, preparing conditions that satisfy them as much as possible. Careful consideration must be given to the technical means required for the phenomenon to occur. 4. The experiments rarely present evidence for a rigidly logical proof, which means that inductive reasoning is required. 5. The information of scientific concepts was discovered as follows: Taking the concept of force as an example, students distinguish force from momentum or energy which they call impetus, when they encounter experiences that make them realize that they have no use different names for those concepts previously lumped together as "force" in their everday usage.
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