女性労働者と企業 : 郡是製糸の「教育」を中心に(大会報告・共通論題:現代化過程における日本の雇用-企業と「公共性」-,2008年度秋季学術大会)
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This paper considers what it meant for women laborers to be employed by corporations through an individual management case study. The subject of the study, the Gunze Silk Manufacturing Company, Limited, of which silkworm farmers were the shareholders, closely linked its management foundation with regional society by providing employment for the farmers' daughters. The company provided female workers not with status or security within the organization, but rather education as compensation. By pursuing why the company did not limit its implementation of education to skill building in the narrow sense, this paper explores the relationship between the corporation and the publicness. As is generally known, Japan's textile industry formed a distinct business system whereby young women from the countryside were recruited/employed, housed in dormitories and received education while they worked, and then were returned to their parents. The system became more defined in the period after World War I as it became widespread, mainly among major corporations employing large workforces. This paper focuses on that process. Amid the numerous earlier studies, there are two significant reasons for this focus. The first point is that a diachronic analysis is conducted covering the period from World War I to the 1950s. Through this analysis, it becomes possible to understand the situation of the 1950s based on the transformation in women's education during the wartime period. The second point is that an analysis is carried out based on the actual management situation rather than analysis of a model. Through technological change and the transition to a wartime structure, it is possible to describe not only management philosophy but the process by which education was implemented by corporations in response to the demands of labor and state requests. By clarifying the historical transition of "education" provided to women laborers by textile corporations in the 1950s as a social responsibility, it is possible to deepen discussion of employment in Japan during the modernization process.
- 2009-04-30
- 女性労働者と企業 : 郡是製糸の「教育」を中心に(大会報告・共通論題:現代化過程における日本の雇用-企業と「公共性」-,2008年度秋季学術大会)
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- 日本製糸業の多条機導入に関する一考察
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- 書評 東條由紀彦著『近代・労働・市民社会--近代日本の歴史認識1』
- 五 経済(近現代, 日本, 2004年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)
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- 書評と紹介 宮崎擴道著『創始期の手工教育実践史』
- 清川雪彦著, 『近代製糸技術とアジア-技術導入の比較経済史-』, 名古屋大学出版会, 2009年, viii+615頁
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