- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the 6th to 12th of August, 1960, the Kawafune-gawa Research Group belonging to the Quarternary Research Group of Japan was engaged in excavation of the Kawafune-gawa site, which situated in Tagami Village of Minami-Kambaragun, Niigata Prefecture. As a result of their study, a large amount of remains have been excavated from tnis site, such as potteries, stone imprinients, various kind of materials and also pit dwellings. Some of those remains belong to the middle stage of "Jomon" age, some to the later middle one, but the greater part of the rest to the later one of the. former. The site spreads over the lowest river terrace in these area. It has been revealed that the black bed in which the remains were deposited had different depth from place to place, ranging from zero to 70 centimeters, and also that the base of the whole black bed were uueven.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1963-07-25
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