- 論文の詳細を見る
The tectonic history and the paleogeographical changes of the green tuff geosyncline in the northern half of the Honshu Island, Japan, can be summarized as followings: 1. The eruption of the "green tuff" was caused by the fracture-movement in the early Miocene. 2. The marine basins were transgressed by the sea water in the early Miocene, and extended from the Fossa Magna region of the central Japan to the back-bone range area and finally to the Japan Sea coast area of the continental area. 3. Considering both the faunal and floral data of the early to middle Miocene, the depositional environment of the "green tuff" would be of a lagoon or of a shallow water. 4. By reason of the foregoing facts, it is inferred that the paleo-Japan Sea appeared in the early Miocene or the middle one. 5. The center of the green tuff geosyncline moved from the SE side to the NW side of Japan (moved northwards in the SW-NE direction.). The structure resulted from such a movement as this, was named "Shogidaoshi structure" by the writer. 6. Owing to the elevation of the back-bone range area in the later Miocene (Kitaura stage), the sea (or marine basins) retreated towards the both sides of the Pacific and of the Japan Sea. This upheaval was ranked to the geoanticlinal (orogenic) stage of the geosyncline. 7. Subsequently, the acidic volcanism happened intensely in the back-bone range area and many terrestrial basins of lacustrine appeared there. 8. In the earliest Pliocene, the rapid local depressions (such as "Caldera") occurred in the various places of the foregoing area and also in the marine basins of the Pacific and the Japan Sea side, and then, the basic volcanic activity began extensively in the green tuff region. 9. The two distinct marine-transgressions of the cold water are recognizable in the Pliocene age. The former one is represented by the Wakimoto, Omma, Takikawa, Hombetsu and Tatsunokuchi faunas, and the latter by the Shibikawa, upper Setana and Dainenji faunas. It is important that the above mentioned events are much related to the marine transgressions of the Quaternary interglacial ages. 10. In Pliocene, the paleo-Japan Sea became narrower and regressed to the area which is Toughly indicated by the bathymetric line of 5,000 meters at present (Eigs. 12.13).
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1960-09-25
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