医療における「心」のLANシステム : 医の倫理・哲学に想うこと(<特集>日本人の心身観と医療)
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It has been said there is a mutual understanding between doctors and patients, established through confidence in the doctor-patient relationship. As a result there are usually few medical conflicts on treatment and policies, despite the fact there is no actual formal informed consent. Recently however the position of the patient requires more consideration than previously when providing medical care. No doubt a portion of this increased sensitivity stems from the Nuremberg Principle of 1947 and "The Declaration of Helsinki" adopted in 1964. These credos require physicians to seek peace and give the highest priority to the well-being and happiness of human beings, and certainly their patients. I intend to bring forward in my philosophy of medical ethics issues of QOL (Quality of Life), Medical Ethics, Human Rights and Equality, and renewal. I will discuss the necessity of informed consent and the need to harmonize at a global level many of these issues. Reference will be made to historical considerations in the establishment and preservation of the Japanese view of ethics and philosophy, a comparison of Japanese and Western viewpoints, the purpose of the "Declaration of Helsinki", and these issues as they impact in new drug development during clinical trials.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1997-09-20
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