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"Mental Rehearsal" was introduced to stimulate the performance improvement of women basketball players. (Five undergraduates, aged 18-21, with 6-9 yearn experience in basketball). To carry out mental rehearsal, a "subject rehearsal" to make good use of the strong points of each individual player was settled. The exercise on subject. rehearsal consists a control period (March to June) where instruction by "verbal. and movement demonstration" is given by the coach: and an experimental period. (August to November) where in addition to the instruction by "verbal and. movement demonstration", "mental rehearsal" is practiced. Each Individual Player's Subject Performance Player A: "Jump-shot", from the drive-in at the right extension of the free-throw line, and also the "step-shot". Player B: "Both hands long shot" and "long pass" during fast-break. And also, the technique of "pass" against the post-man. Player C: Active "help defense" and aim at the "held-ball" after the opponent's rebounding. Player D: Accuracy advancement on "free-throw". Player E: "Pivot shot" in postposition and definite execution of "out-let pass" from defensive rebound. Comparative Examination The six matches during the control period and the seven matches during the experimental period are video taped and the subject performance are picked up. Each player's attempt at rate and achievement rate are compared. Player A: Attempt at rate 44.1% (control period)--64.8% (experimental period). Made shot rate 29.7% (control period)--38.3% (experimental period). Improvement in both attempt at rate and made shot rate can be observed. Player B: Both hands long shot. Attempt at rate 39.2% (control period)--64.8% (experimental period). Made shot rate 19.5% (control period)--37.7% (experimental period). Number of miss passes 4.8 (control period)--3.1 (experimental period). Shot, out-let pass and pass against post-man, together with improvement can be observed. Player C: Attempt at rate concerning help defense and aim at of heldball 50.9% (control period)--67.5% (experimental period). Number of achievements 4.7 (control period)--9.7. Here again improvement can be observed. Player D: Made free-throw rate 45.2% (control period)--52.0% (experimental period), although minor, is nevertheless an advanced. Player E: Pivot shot attempt rate 23.1% (control period)--55.2% (experimental period), made shot rate 45.8% (control period)--51.9% (experimental period). Outlet pass achievement rate 49.2% (control period)--65.7% (experimental period). Number of achievements 3 (control period)--6.3 (experimental period), improvement in all areas can be observed. From the results mentioned above, we can conclude that mental rehearsal is an effective training method to advance performance in basketball. Concerning Athletic Achievement Motive To further stimulate the improvement of performance in basketball through "mental rehearsal", and on top of that to reinforce clear imaging of performance, examples of match achievement are visualized and repeated by the use of video tape. To account for amount of influence this type of training method have on increasing athletic achievement motives, two research results by TMSI (Nippon Taikyo Sport Motivation Inventory) are compared. Among 17 scale, 13 of them showed tendencies of improvement. This is especially true for scales on "achievement motive for technical improvement", "calm judgment", "unsuitable coaching", "spirit" where statistically meaningful advancement (P<0.05 & 0.001) are recognized. It is understood that the training method mentioned above plays an important role in the improvement of athletic achievement motive.
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