Scouting SheetによるBasket Ballのゲーム分析
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The characteristics of basket ball is that plays are developed continuously from offense to defense and from defense to offense. In addition to this continuity, plays change in various ways. In order to meet these changes appropriately, exercises are done repeatedly to acquire techniques. As a result of these exercises, it becomes possible that plays are made in a habitual way for an individual or for a team. In other words, if well-habituated plays have been acquired extensively, and if they are exhibited fully in games, games can be developed at an advantageous pace. Meantime, a full exhibition of well-habituated plays is dependent on good tactics being used, no matter how superior techniques acquired may be. Such things are seen in real games. In short, to work out and use appropriate tactics constitutes an important factor in securing victory. Accordingly, data necessary for working out tactics are collected by means of scouting. For this paper, scouting sheets were prepared, and analysis was made using one of the sheets, i.e., a good play and bad play sheet, with an objective to scout factors by which victory is to be decided, the eight games played by men and five games played by women in the Inter College Championship Game 1977, and from the four games each played by men and women in the All Japan Championship Game 1978, a total of twenty-one games. The results are summarized as follows. (1) Reduction of Miss Play-A general tendency toward more good plays and less bad plays was more strongly exhibited by the winner teams. Also, seeing from the offensive right shifting rate, the same can be said. (2) Speedup of Play-Computing from the number of offenses, offenses and defenses were developed in about twelve seconds. The rate of getting points by fast break was always high with the winner teams. (3) Strengthening of Kebound Ball Getting-On both offense and defense, the rebound ball getting rate was superior with the winner teams. What are mentioned above are the factors by which victory or defeat was decided.
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