DATA VOLLEY & VIDEOを使ったバレーボールスキルアップのためのフィードバック研究(1) : 仙台大学男子バレーボール部のテクニカル活動
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This is a case study using the 2007 league competitions of the Sendai University Men's Volleyball Club as an example. This paper studies how scouting data gained during games and training are used to give feedback for game tactics and real training, and how they achieve results. Moreover, we also teach subjects, centered on members of the Sendai University Men's Volleyball Club, how to use Data Volley & Video, which requires specialized skills. We aim to train them to be analysts not only for the university but also for top Japanese volleyball-league teams or the national team. Achievements of this study are outlined below: 1. We were able to train analysts who can use Data Volley & Video and the only qualified technical staff in Tohoku region. Also, we were able to support analyst activities for the national team. 2. We prepared a series of analyst activities (i.e., collection, processing, accumulation, searching, and provision of information) and provided feedback effectively. As a result, this has been one of the factors that enabled the Sendai University Men's Volleyball Club to improve its rank in the standings and its winning percentage, rising from third place (spring league; six wins and four defeats) to second place (autumn league; seven wins and three defeats).
- 国立台東大学の研修報告
- DATA VOLLEY & VIDEOを使ったバレーボールスキルアップのためのフィードバック研究(1) : 仙台大学男子バレーボール部のテクニカル活動
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