第3回世界陸上競技選手権大会短距離種目出場選手の記録発達過程について : 仙台大学 阿部正道選手の事例報告
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The purpose of this study was to analyze developmental data of world class short distance runner. In this case study the subject was Abe, Masamichi who was chosen as member of Japan's 4 x 100meter relay team during 3rd IAAF world championship in Tokyo. The developmental data consist of subject's meet records from Junior high school through college. The subject's physical developmental characteristics, anaerobic power, leg strength and sprint techniques were closely monitored and evaluated during subject's four years as collegiate athlete. The results of the analysis were as follows; 1) The physique of the subject was only average when compared with other Japanese sprinters. The subject's physique was below averaged when compared with world class' sprinters. 2) The anaerobic power and muscle strength of the subject, measured by conventional methods, did not indicate any significant high level of power or strength. 3) The isokinetic measurement, which is a measurement of strength through speed and movement, taken by Cybex dynamometer showed the subject had excellent ratio of leg extension and leg flexsion compared with other Japanese sprinters. 4) The subject's technical ability was considered to be very high by other coaches and experts. 5) The subject's motivation and passion to learn and to excel was very strong. The objective of this author is to offer this analysis of the subject to other coaches in hope of assisting in development of future world class sprinter.
- 仙台大学の論文
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