- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present study is to make clear of the qualitative mechanism of eutrophication and polution of the estualine water of the River Nanakita at Gamo; especially the relation between the condition of this river water expressed by chlorinity, and the vertical and the horizontal distribution of particulate matters and chlorophyll a. This paper consists of the following topics; 1. The vertical formation of three layers of this estuarine water observed at each surveyed station; the surface layer formed by the river water, the spring layer known as halocline and the bottom water predominated by sea water advancing into the river. 2. A difficult exchange of the water with the maximum chlorinity at the deepest point of each surveyed station. 3. The behavior of particulate matters in this estuary. 4. The distribution of particulate matters at each of the three layers. 5. The distribution of chlorophyll a, b and c at each station. From the results obtained, it was concluded that the biological production and decomposition were actively carried out in this estuary of the river, but the running out of dissolved oxygen was observed at each of the deepest points at surveyed stations.
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