イオン交換膜電極法とその応用 : 第3報 レシチシと金属塩との結合について
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(1) Observation of the membrane-patential-pattern of lecithin was curried out in 80% ethanolic solution, and it was found lecithin also followed to the simplified relation of Henderson's equation in the concentration-potential curve. (2) The combination ratios of lecithin and metal salts-CdCl_2 , FeCl_3 , CuCl_3-were determined by the membrane electrod method. Thus, the mol-ratio of lecithin and these metal chlorids were all 1:1, and it is same to the value from the phato-electric method on the lecithin-CuCl_2 complex. (3) Moleculer-weight of lecithin-CdCl_2 complex was calculated to about 5000 in chloroform by vapourpressure method.
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