- 論文の詳細を見る
This publication is an annotated edition of Inu Hyakunin Isshu. The Inu Hyakunin Isshu is a parody of the famous Hyakunin Isshu, and was published in 1669. The prologue was written by an unknown man named Yusoan. In the title Inu Hyakunin Isshu, the word inu means parody. The work is one of a number of parodies of classics that were produced in the early Tokugawa periods, such as Inu Tsurezure (a parody of Tsurezuregusa) and Inu Makura, a parody of Makura no Soshi. Many other parodies of the Hyakunin Isshu were made in the Tokugawa period, but the Inu Hyakunin Isshu is of particular interest because of its early date.
- 『犬百人一首』全注釈(三)五十六〜百首
- 『犬百人一首』全注釈(二)二十四〜五十五首
- 『犬百人一首』全注釈(一)一〜二十三首
- 奈良県立図書情報館蔵『帝鑑図説』(寛永四年刊本)巻一〜巻四
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- 週刊学級通信を利用したHR指導 : 高専低学年での実践報告
- 集団で学ぶ小論文の実践 : 例文暗記とディベート立論対決