週刊学級通信を利用したHR指導 : 高専低学年での実践報告
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This paper is an advanced proposal on class management in the lower grade classes at colleges of technology. Class News is an uncommon subject in colleges of technology. But it is a very useful educational tool for homeroom teachers in the lower grade classes! I think a homeroom teacher must maintain good communication with the students in order to support their school activities. A method of using Weekly Class News is an effective means of class management and communication between a homeroom teacher and the students or between students.
- 呉工業高等専門学校の論文
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- 週刊学級通信を利用したHR指導 : 高専低学年での実践報告
- 集団で学ぶ小論文の実践 : 例文暗記とディベート立論対決