若年層の住宅問題に関する研究 : 山形県鶴岡市在住の大学生を対象に : (学生と居住)
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The author analyzed the housing problems of young people in recent years and concluded as follows; First, the author made statistical analysis. The data was collected from a number of sources:Yamagata universlty, inquiry of National federation of University co-operative associations in Japan, government figure, and Yamagata Prefecture figure. Second, the author carried out a questionnaire survey of 143 students of Yamagata University department of agriculture from 2003 to 2007. According to the result of statistical analysis and the questionnaire survey, the house rent made up nearly 50% of the expenditure of the young people. As for the situation of the student apartments, the living area and the sound insulation of the room were particularly inferior. The residence areas were much inferior to the minimum housing standards that a country established. For the improvement of the residential qualifications of young people, governments and local governments should change the existing public housing policy. The local governments in particular should permit students to enter public housing. The education policy also has to support the students residence. Adequate residential qualifications should be guaranteed for the independence of the young people. This issue is strongly related with the housing problems in Japan now and the solutions for the future. Key words: young people, problem of housing, low housing standard, public housing policy, independence of young people
- 2009-02-16
- 若年層の住宅問題に関する研究 : 山形県鶴岡市在住の大学生を対象に : (学生と居住)
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