森林経営の内製化に関する研究 -栃木県田沼町K家の事例-
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キーワード:森林経営,経営の内製化,経営規模,家族経営,森林組合 The author analyzed the forest management scale expansionist policy (modernization policy) by government from the view point of in-house production of managemaent of individual forest owners, and concluded as follows; 1. According to statistics analysis and a survey to the forest owner K family (house hold managemaent), in-house production of management of large-scale forest owners has been progressing, while corporation capital management has not progressed. 2. Lagre-scale forest owners cooperations that did the broader-based merger have also depended on the labor force of family management of individual forest ownres now. 3. Although the K family is a large-scale forest owners, agricultural and forest managenent is maintained by the family labor force. And, such a tendency has become stronger in recent years. 4. Seeing from the above points, the goverment foret modernization policy after 1996 is deficient in substance and has limit.5. Government and local self-governing body should consider the labor force policy based on in-house production of management as important, and should take a promotion policy to forest individual owners and forest owners association. Key words:Forest management, In-house production of management, Mangement scale, House hold management, Forest owners cooperation
- 2004-02-16
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