Mechanism of Chirality Conversion by Grinding Crystals -Ostwald Ripening vs Crystallization of Chiral Clusters-
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It has been found that the simple grinding of crystals in a solution causes the conversion of the chiral structure of crystals and, in the case of organic molecules, the resultant conversion of molecular chirality. In order to clarify the mechanism of the chirality conversion, we study the change in the size distribution of chiral clusters in a Becker-Doring type model, in which chiral dimer reaction and grinding are implemented. In the absence of grinding, Ostwald ripening may cause chirality conversion if the initial size distribution is appropriate. With grinding crystals, the crystallization of chiral clusters causes an exponential amplification of the initial chiral imbalance resulting in a homochiral state. During chirality conversion, the total size distribution does not change.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2009-02-15
Uwaha Makio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
上羽 牧夫
Katsuno Hiroyasu
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya
Katsuno Hiroyasu
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
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