Kinematical Bound States of Steps Caused by Asymmetry in Step Kinetics
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We study time evolution of parallel straight steps with repulsive interaction between steps. If step kinetics is asymmetric in the upper and the lower terraces (Schwoebel effect), a vicinal face becomes unstable when undersaturation exceeds a critical value, and an array of large bunches described by the Benney equation appears. In the one-sided model (the extreme limit of the asymmetry) a pairing instability occurs. In this case the instability always ends up with formation of step pairs, and with large undersaturation hierarchical bound states of step pairs are formed. On the contrary many-body bound states appear in the general asymmetric model.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-04-15
Sato Masahide
Department Of Applied Chemistry Utsunomiya University
Uwaha Makio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Sato Masahide
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
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