- 論文の詳細を見る
Permian floras of Northeast Japan were reported from the following three localities and their main plants were as follows: (1) Maiya flora (Lower Permian): Rodai Formation, Furudate, Maiya, Miyagi Prefecture. Cathaysiopteris whitei, Psygmophyllum flabellatum, Parasphenophyllum thonii var. minor, Trizygia oblongifolia, Paratrizygia maiyaensis, Taeniopteris 14 spp., Pecopteris toyomaensis, Odontopteris subcrenulata, etc., (2) Setamai flora (Lower Permian): Upper Sakamotozawa Formation, Motoiwazawa, Kawaguchi, Sumita-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture. Taeniopteris setamaiensis, Taeniopteris motoiwaensis, etc., (3) Takakurayama flora (Upper Permian): Kashiwadaira Formation, Takakurayama, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Bicoemplectopteris hallei, Gigantopteris nicotianaefolia, Taeniopteris sp., Odontopteris subcrenulata, etc. The characteristic plants of the Maiya flora are Cathaysiopteris whitei and many types of Taeniopteris, which are comparable to the Shansi flora of Taiyuan, China. The Takakurayama flora of Upper Permian yields such characteristic plants of Gigantopteris flora as Bicoem plectopteris hallei and Gigantopteris nicotianaefolia, which are comparable to the Shihhotse flora of China and the Kobosan flora of Korea. The facts mentioned above means that Northeast Japan, Korea, North and South China, Malaysia and Sumatra were all on the same continent, Cathaysia Land, which cotains Gigantopteris flora.
- 1988-07-25
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