<国立科博専報>日本における古・中生代の陸成植物群の分布と変遷 : 高知県の前期白亜紀植物群の変遷と関連して
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The first part of this paper deals with Paleozoic land floras in Japan and a major trend in floristic change during the Paleozoic era. The second part records the introduction and distribution of Japanese Mesozoic land floras together with the brief notes on characteristic of each flora, based on the recent paleobotanical knowledges. The third part concerns the paleofloristic provinces of Japan, from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age as proposed previously by the senior author : 1) the Outer Zone Paleofloristic Province that is included in VAKHRAMEEV's Indo-European Paleofloristic Area, and 2) the Inner Zone Paleofloristic Province that closely resembles his Siberian Paleofloristic Area. The Early Neocomian Ryoseki, Late Neocomian Lower Monobegawa and Aptian-Albian Upper Monobegawa Floras in Kochi Prefecture are respectively synchronous with the Oguchi, Akaiwa and Tamodani Floras in the Inner Zone Paleofloristic Province of Japan, but differ in taxonomic detail and more closely resemble the Wealden Flora of Europe. The contemporaneous flora of the Tetori sequence more closely resembles Early Cretaceous floras of northeastem Eurasia, showing the heterogeneous character of the vegetation of the Japanese Islands during the early part of Cretaceous time. The fourth part of this paper concerns the stratigraphical distribution of Early Cretaceous plants in Kochi Prefecture and also in the Tetori Basin of Inner Zone of Japan. The paleobotanical problems of each flora are discussed in the last part.
- 1975-12-20
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