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Formation process of a mixed coniferous forest composed of Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla, Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai and Tsuga diversifolia on the ultrabasic rocks was investigated by annual ring chronologies in the northern area of Mt. Hayachine, northeast Honshu, Japan. The stand is regarded to have been formed under the influence of an intensive disturbance affecting a vast area at the end of the 17th century. Relatively slight disturbance also would have occurred around 1880. The Pinus recruited simultaneously, grew rapidly after the intensive disturbance and became the canopy trees prevailing over other species. The recruitment of the Thujopsis and Tsuga was carried out by advance regenerated saplings and they continued relatively slow growth after the intensive disturbance. Abies mariesii recruited in the undergrowth after the regenerated Pinus, Thujopsis and Tsuga formed a closed canopy layer, and grew extremely slowly. Broad-leaved species such as Betula spp. and Magnolia hypoleuca recruited after the slight disturbance and grew rapidly. The intensive disturbance which caused the forest regeneration may have been human disturbances such as logging.
- 1994-08-31
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