亜高山帯針葉樹林の分布状態と積雪深および亜高山帯域の広さとの関係 : 上越山地を中心とする地域について
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is well-known that several mountains in central and northeastern Honshu, Japan, lack coniferous forests in their subalpine zones. In order to clarify the factors determining this phenomenon, the development of subalpine coniferous forests, the snow accumulation depth and the extent of subalpine area were surveyed in the Jo-etsu Mountains and their vicinity. Generally, the subalpine coniferous forests were poorly developed in mountains with heavy snowfall, but were well extended on mountains or peaks in mountain regions with larger extents of subalpine area. These facts suggest that on each mountain the extent of subalpine coniferous forests has changed in close relation with the extent of the subalpine area and the accumulated snow depth condition. This has continued throughout the climatic changes during the Postglacial Age, especially the Postglacial Warm Period, when the extent of coniferous forests was markedly reduced.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1987-12-31
- 早池峯山北面のキタゴヨウ・ヒバ・コメツガ林の成立過程
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- 岩手大学御明神演習林大滝沢試験地における樹木種子落下量の年変動(予報) : 1993〜1996年における変動
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- 亜高山帯針葉樹林の分布状態と積雪深および亜高山帯域の広さとの関係 : 上越山地を中心とする地域について
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- 御明神演習林気象観測統計:1996
- 滝沢演習林気象観測統計:1996
- アカマツの枝打ち後の巻き込みに関する研究:枝を残して枝打ちした場合
- 御明神演習林大滝沢における樹木実生の発生と消長:1995年5月〜1996年5月