日本人の価値指向に関する研究(一) : クラックホーンの価値指向理論とその日本の農村社会(コミュニティ)における適用
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The ultimate purpose of this research is to locate dominant and variant value orientations of the Japanese rural people so that we can compare on the basis of the same criteria the Japanese culture with other cultures whose value orientations have been already discovered. Florence Kluckhohn's unique questionnaires translated and revised to some extent by the writer to meet the Japanese situation without changing the original meanings of the questionnaires wer egiven to three farming communities in the vicinity of Tokyo as a pilot study. They are Kodaira-machi in Kitatama-gun, vegatable-growing area, Komaemachi in Kitatama-gun, rice-growing area and Naruki-machi in Ome City, mountain village. As the next step Japan Proper is divided into five parts; one rural community is chosen from each of the five regions and the same questionnaires will be given to them in order to find out the value orientations of the Japanese rural people. An intensive community study will be carried on alongside with the survey of value orientations. This paper, first of all, points out the significance of the study of value orientations as a means to resolve conflict of cultures and misunderstanding between nations. Then Clyde Kluckhohn's concepts of values and value orientations are clarified with explanatory remarks concerning Florence Kluckhohn's scheme of value orientations which is constructed on the major assumption that "there is a limited number of common human problems for which all peoples at all times must find some solution." Five basic human problems are selected and twenty-three situational questions are devised on the basis of those crucial problems. Lastly, next to the findings of the dominant and variant value orientations of the three frural communities, a critical analysis of the pilot study is made and implications of the value orientations of the three farming communities are discussed with various speculations.
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- Erik H.Erikson;Youth--Change and Challenge,1963(海外文献紹介)
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- 日本人の価値指向に関する研究(一) : クラックホーンの価値指向理論とその日本の農村社会(コミュニティ)における適用