大学教育に関する一考察 : 教育機能の批判的吟味と改革への展望(人文・社会科学)
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Now in Japan, most universities and colleges have checked and evaluated their functions, such as research, students education, accountability for the society and so on, by the reform of the University Establishment Order of the Ministry of Education, 1991. Then, on this paper, I try to clarify the following points in terms of university education. That is ; (1) Universities now have many problems. The various aspects of university education are being rapidly changed by the entrance of a great many students. These phenomena are well explained by M. Trow's theory on which the type of higher education in Japan is now from elite to mass and/or universal styles. As a result, various kinds of students have made universities dramatically changed, and universities also have had many problems that have never happened, for example, noisiness at classes, irrelevance to the student's needs, the lack of systematic approaches to the aboved problems, etc. (2) In order for universities to better the situations and get a reliance of the society, they must have their own clearer and more reasonable aims and purposes. And then, in the field of education, university teachers must have deeper responsibilities for their classes and more friendly-minded relationships with their students. And also it is so important that a syllabus and clearer principles of the teaching should be developed. In addition, in U. K. and U. S. staff development and assessment of the teacher's classes by the students are introduced. It is clear that these improvements begin to have great impact on the recruitment and promotion of the teacher. (3) In conclusion, universities should think much of the educational aspects and evaluate them. Of course, based on the times of student consumerism, they satisfy must their needs, and try to improve toward their ideal.
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