養護教諭の職務についての調査研究 : 第1報 職務に対する意識の実態
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Recently the expectation and demands for the school nurse teachers have been increasing in the society. But many teachers are puzzled by the various and diversified responsibilities assigned to them by the schools. Therefore, we surveyed what kinds of responses and attitudes they have taken and take toward their jobs by sending questionnaires to them at their schools in Mie Prefecture. (Samples were 466.) The results are as follows; 1) As a whole, most of them sometimes feel stresses in their duties in the schools but maintain good relationships with their colleagues, although sometimes they feel embarrassed with what pupils really think in the schools. They love their jobs and have positive attitudes for their responsibilites, and are satisfied with their responsibilities, but feel lack of getting the opportunity and the time for their trainings. 2) Compared with the elementary, secondary and high school levels, there are much more teachers who feel stresses and embarrassed in treating pupils in the secondary school level than other levels. 3) Compared with their serving years, teachers with less serving year are very positive to their jobs, but teachers with 6 to 10 years' experiences feel embarrassed with their jobs and their human relationships with their colleagues.
- 鈴鹿短期大学の論文
大西 真由実
木野本 はるみ
駒田 玉美
中川 勝子
岡本 陽子
森尾 邦江
村田 鈴子
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