長野県のPPKの分析 : 高齢者の生活実態調査・茅野市・大鹿村をみる
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Most of the senior citizens hope to be getting old healthily and die naturally without any pains. All aged persons wish this not only in Japan, but all over the world. These wishes are not for them personally but for the societies, because to be getting old healthily can reduce the medical expenditures for them, the burdens of the people taking care of their daily lives, and number of the female workers leaving or giving up their own jobs for taking care of the senior citizens. In this survey, I wanted to get the information about "PPK Campaign" in detail in Nagano Pref. Before doing this survey, I questioned myself why there had been so different regions where for many healthy aged lived and worked after their retirements, and on the other hand, regions where few healthy aged lived and worked, in this country. At that time, I got the information about PPK campaign titled "Looking for Healthy Japan 21", under which the community drived the campaign for the public health program, many healthy senior citizens lived and worked even in agriculture, and young volunteers regionally support them to enjoy their healthy and indispensable daily lives. I visited Chino-shi, and Ooshika-mura in Nagano Pref. for surveying the real lives of the aged. This survey is the first report on them and I' 11 follow the subject in the future.
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