- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to consider the significance of Sbiroi Kyotou from the viewpoint of medical ethics. The fountainhead of the medical office lectureship-based credit system of the university hospital which produced chief character Zaizen Gorou is old boy system medicine introduced by Germany. In succession to the bureaucratic side of the authority that was a German medical fault, an unsociable organization was formed and blocked a thing called the medical care of the patient center of the democracy. As for Zaizen, it is pointed out a patient and human relations with the doctor, the lack of the outlook on ethics of the doctor not a medical fault at a trial. The ethics is "informed consent" between the patients based on enough communication. This is used in a meaning called the treatment on having got "explanation, agreement, understanding" to the patient. In other words "understanding, agreement" of the patient are absolutely necessary. As for the patient, it may be said that Shiroi Kyotou which received this in advance more than 40 ago at the present when patient to be treated-centered medical care got social approval still has the significance in the medical ethics with a doctor while understanding enough.
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