運動中の身体に及ぼす音楽の影響(2) : 血中ホルモンからの一考察
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The effects of music on the body during long distance jogging were ascertained in the previous study. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze how music influenced the internal secretion of the body under the same conditions as last year. Fourteen sample subjects were requested to jog four thousand meters twice, once while listening to music from a walk-man and the other without any music. Measurements on body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and circumference of calf were conducted for each subject before and after both joggings. Also, examinations on the lactic acid, creatine phosphokinase, and hormones in the blood as well as in the urine were conducted at the same time. The hormones tested were adrenaline, noradrenaline, thyroid stimulating hormone, and immuno reactive insuline. The urine examination involved three items : protein, glucose, and PH value. The music utilized in this study was the same as in last year's study. From the results of both the previous study and this one, music was believed to have positive effects on the body during long-distance jogging. The results showed that body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate were maintained at the usual levels. An increase in lactic acid creatine phosphokinase, and a decrease in the meximal circumference of the calf were found while the effects of the music on the urine were not apparent. The following were observed in the joggers with music compared to those without, over and above the normal changes due to jogging: 1) a high increase in noradrenaline and thyroid stimulating hormone; 2) a decrease in imunoreactive insulin. Also, a big increase in adrenaline was found in the body during jogging without music. Therefour, it was determined that music had positive effects on the internal secretions of the body during long-distance jogging.
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