幼児の固定遊具運動の一考察 : 太鼓橋中央上からのおり運動について
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<<I. Object>> We investigated "how infants come down from the center of an Arch Ladder" ; we analyze and study the difference of the way to come down. We try to figure out and compare the result could be related with ability of the moment, the sex and the age distinction. We want to get a materials for the guidance of gymnastics to infants<<II. Method>> We made out pictures of the way to move of the each infants perfomed from 8-mm movie film to designer's film using by the projector- We classified some different supperted points, we call the infants could come down quickly are "Infants have the ability" and selected 10 people from each sex and age ; the infants couldn't come down are "Infants don't have the ability" there are only less than 10 people from each ages. We tested the physical fitness the three kinds of event such as 20m-Running, Ball Throwing and Standing Long Jump. We figured out the average of the each ages and sex from "Infants have the ability" and "Infants don't have the ability" We want to know to clarify whether there is the difference by T-test.<<III. Result & Consideration>> We analyzed the way to come down the 212 people and there are 53 kinds. The suppoted points are seven points, it would be stomaches, chests, arms, both of the armpits, one of the armpits, dismount through a form of Bridge and others. In paticular order of the movement of using muscularpower, there are 10 kinds of way. More using muscular power makes less times to use supported points, to charge forms, and one-knee fall back. About the comparison of the physical fitness tests of "Infants have the ability" and "Infants don't have the ability" by T-test, 5-year-old boys and girls, we could see the difference from the all 3 events ; 4-year-old boys and girls, we couldn't see the difference ; 3-year-old boys, we could see the difference the all 3 events. However, compared with an average, "Infants have the ability" is superior to "Infants don't have the ability" except 20m-Running of 3-year old girls in case of that we couldn't see the difference.
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