- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to understand the different images between the first grade and the third grade nursing students about mental disorders, images of patients with mental disorders, and so forth. Dealing with the images of patients with mental disorders, the number of the third grade students who had negative images against those patients was 45 percent less than that of the first grades. With regard to mental disorders, the third grade students who thought that everyone could suffer, or that those people were caused by stress or environment, or that most people remained stigma for those, amounted nearly half of the grade. However, none of the first grade students had such a thought. Although there was no relationship between the third grade students' understanding of mental disorders and their images of patients with mental disorders, the students who grasped psychiatric nursing lecture or community health practice about the cause of their images had no negative images against those patients. Therefore, it was suggested that the psychiatric nursing lecture or the community health practice had a great influence on nursing students in order to understand mental disorders and patients with mental disorders.原著Original Paper
- 東北大学の論文
齋 二美子
斎藤 秀光
斎藤 秀光
光永 憲香
齋 二美子
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