18世紀ブランデンブルク農村における家族・親族・階層 : ルピン郡の事例を中心として
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In the light of recent progress in historical research on European families, we study the process through which successive generations in German rural societies of the eighteenth century practicing impartible inheritance, while making new households, divided into various classes and obtained land and housing. The role of kinship in this process is clarified by considering the case of the Ruppin district in the Mark Brandenburg. In earlier investigations of Central European rural societies practicing impartible inheritance, it has been generally assumed that in the process of obtaining land and residence, the coming generation preferred to obey the principle of neo-localism rather than to live with kin, and became divided into various classes reflecting unequal succession of land. Some writers have contrasted this system with those of rural societies in Eastern Europe, and especially Russia, that were based on the solidarity of patrilineal kin. We show here that in Ruppin district, the new generation settled down with the help of a cooperative network that spread among kin. In the land-owning classes, those who inherited farms (Bauern- oder Kossatenhof) secured land and residence for their non-inheriting relatives by welcoming them to their farms as marriage partners. This practice of intermarriage acted to prevent non-successors from descending to the class of non-landholders. The farm holders accommodated their non-farm-holding relatives in cottages (Budner- oder Einliegerhauschen) that were built on their own farms or in the villages where they lived. They would also supply financial support in case of poverty. Those who had no kin relationship to the villagers, however, did not enjoy these benefits and sometimes were not even allowed to settle in the villages, since the village community sought to avoid possible relief obligations. Accordingly, the establishment of new households near to kin dwellings was promoted.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2002-07-20
- ドイツ・東エルベの農民1648〜1806年--「ミクロの社会史」による多面的で多様な実像への接近 (小特集 社会史の実証と方法)
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- 18世紀ブランデンブルク農村における家族・親族・階層 : ルピン郡の事例を中心として
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