韓国経済とグローバリゼーション : 通貨危機後の市場開放化がもたらしたもの(大会報告・共通論題:新自由主義の政策展開)
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The first aim of this paper is to analyze the essence of globalization a phenomenon characteristic of the present world economy. Globalization, in the form of neo-liberalism centered on America, has been conquering the world since the late 1980s. It has been a particularly powerful influence in the formerly socialist countries and in Asian countries. The second aim is to clarify the nature of the influence of globalization on the Korean economy. As is well known, the Korean economy was faced with a monetary crisis in 1997 and accepted various IMF conditionality in exchange for supplies of urgent financing. The main conditionality entailed structural adjustment and opening of markets in Korea. Market opening was carried out especially rapidly under the policy of the Kim Dae-jung government after the monetary crisis. I examine the effect this had on the Korean economy, and consider the broader implications for the impact of globalization on national economies and on the world economy. Finally, I discuss some alternatives to globalization.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2002-04-20
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