EU共通農業政策改革とWTO : イギリスを中心として(大会報告・共通論題 : WTO体制と日本農業-農業・農政の世界的再編との関連で)
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The purpose of this article is to make a clear attainment of 1992 CAP Reform and problems remained, describing the real condition of European Agriculture under the new established WTO. What is most important, when we investigate GATT agricultural negotiation in connection with international agricultural reform, is to clear up what is permitted or not afterwards, in compliance with agricultural agreement of Urguay round. The Urguay Round Agreement provided two exemptions from agricultural protection; pease clause called blue box and semi-permanently exemption of agricultural protection called green box. CAP will have to reoganize towards new European Agriculture which is competitive internationally until next round, making use of these exemptions. In other words, CAP has to reoganize de-coupling from blue box to green box, and then make it agree with rules of WTO. CAP will be, therefore, needed to place environmental problems in the central part of policy. British Government has been having an eye on efficient and internationally competitive agriculture, reducing agricultural protection and has been looking for a way to sustainable agriculture, using various economic instruments instead of environmental regulations.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1997-04-20
- 市民的公共性と社会的経済(コメント1)(大会報告・共通論題 : 地域再編過程における協同と公共性)
- 基本所得の意義 : エコロジーの視点から
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- EU共通農業政策改革とWTO : イギリスを中心として(大会報告・共通論題 : WTO体制と日本農業-農業・農政の世界的再編との関連で)
- イギリスの農業環境政策と共通農業政策改革 : デカップリングとクロス・コンプライアンス
- 農業政策社会と管理協定 : 1980年代のイギリス農業環境政策
- イギリスの有機農産物の現状
- 都市という「世界」 : 社会的質と社会的プレカリティ概念を中心として(大会報告・共通論題:都市の公共性-主体・政策・規範-,2010年度政治経済学・経済史学会秋季学術大会)
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