都市という「世界」 : 社会的質と社会的プレカリティ概念を中心として(大会報告・共通論題:都市の公共性-主体・政策・規範-,2010年度政治経済学・経済史学会秋季学術大会)
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This paper examines the publicness of urban communities through the conception of social quality, as explored by some European social policy researchers since the 1990s in relation to the phenomenon of social precarity. To date, publicness has been explored primarily through the Habermasian conception of the term. However, it has become difficult to overcome this issue if, merely elaborating on Habermas's way of speech, we only emphasize arguments without regard to material conditions. In this paper, criticism of Habermas depends primarily on the conception of social recognition of Axel Honneth and the spatial conception of Lefebvre. Lefebvre in particular suggests that there is some possibility of raising separation and conflict in the interrelation among representation of space, spaces of representation and spatial practices, articulating their interconnectedness. His contention was to analyze critically the life space that modernity has generated from the viewpoint of everyday life. This paper is focused on articulating the subjective and objective characters of society to take up various issues of urban communities as life spaces, premised on Lefebvre's concern. If urban issues were a result of the structural nature of society, a key challenge would be to raise the quality of society. Social quality is defined as the extent to which citizens are able to participate in the social and economic life of their communities under conditions which enhance their wellbeing and individual potential. The conception of social quality thinks of this quality from the viewpoint of the ability of people to participate in society. On the other hand, social precarity refers to conditions of exclusion, grounded in the idea that social quality gets increasingly unstable and people do not partake in society. The most important thing is that we understand social precarity as a conflicting conception relating social quality on the whole, that is to say, grasp it as degradation of social quality relating subjective, objective and normative conditions of the social to the whole. Urban problems such as homelessness, unemployment and local economic decline are increasingly serious. Social precarity is a severe issue produced as the result of the breakdown of the conditions of social structure.
- 2011-04-30
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