近世京都で隣棟間隔がなくなるまで : 町頭南半町における間口寸法の微細な増減に関する考察
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This paper deals with the process through which the amount of separation between buildings gradually decreased, which then became the basis for property line demarcation in Kyoto. At the end of the 16th century in Machigashira-cho, there was still space between buildings, and no fences. In later years, smaller houses were extended to the neighboring gable wall, or new walls were built right up along the side of neighboring houses. In either case, renovations were done by connecting crossbeams to the corner posts. Such renovations led to the loss of separation between buildings. In other words, the property lines are the result of building up to the very edge of existing neighboring houses.
- 2008-10-30
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