「世界史的立場と日本」との対比 : 「近代の超克」再考(その1)
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During long years we have regarded the attempt to "overcome the modern" as the notorious symbol of coopearing with the World War II, but recently it is watched by the east Asian. We need distinguish the attempt from the discussion about "the world-historic viewpoint and Japan", because this was planned to prove the supeoriority of Japan to China while that was intentioned to consider what the modern for Japanese meaans. To rethink of the attemt, we need pay attention to the medium between Miki Kiyoshi, who sometimes counts as a member of the Kyoto School, and Yasuda Yojuro that is the leader of the Japan Romantic School.
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- 「世界史的立場と日本」との対比 : 「近代の超克」再考(その1)
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