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Pacific trade records received storng attention from enterpreneurs, scholars and government authorities throughout the world. The research focused on the paradigm to analyze the structure of diversified countries in the Pacific region as a macro approach. The approach is to explore the scope and extent of the relationship build-up among different countries. Another micro-approach is to identify relationship partners and expected benefits to be derived from the relaionship establishment. Five types of relationship merits and four different partners are described as a form of five by four matrix table. Prior case experiences and researches are explained in the twenty cells of the matrix. Relationship merit is explained as another source of competitive advantage in addition to scale merit, and scope merit. How can we establish a spider's web of relationship network in order to derive relationship merits such as improvement of competitive structures, development of new business, quality improvement and technology development, cost reduction and demand creation? The concept of market asset was suggested as another form of assets which should be well maintained and enhanced through business activities. Electronic marketing and communication technologies are nowadays applied to the process innovation and restructuring of business relationships. Pacific countries have tried to find mutually beneficial policies on the macro level. But the policies were not specific enough to indicate the future behavior on the part of private sectors such as private companies. Prior studies in the alliance and partnership were not specific enough either to show the scope and methods of the relationships. This paper is an attempt to show the direction and methods on the part of private companies to develop mutual growth in the Pacific market.
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