内湖の生物多様性保全・修復に向けて(<特集論文 I>水辺エコトーンにおける生物多様性と生業活動・コモンズの変容に関する研究)
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Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan, as well as one of the world's few truly ancient lakes. More than 1000 animal and plant species have so far been reported, in which at least 61 species are endemic. Most of the animal and plant species of the lake, excluding planktonic species, inhabit the littoral and wetland areas,i.e., lagoons or attached lakes, called as "naikos", around the lake. All of the naikos were covered with Phragmites reed beds and aquatic plants, and used to be nursery areas of the indigenous cyprinid fishes of the lake. However, many of these naikos disappeared or shrunk due to land reclamation during past decades. The total area of the naikos used to be 2902 hectares in 1940, but today it has diminished to 425 hectares. This is one of the reasons why the significant biodiversity of Lake Biwa has been threatened. Recent studies on the biodiversity of naikos reveal that nearly 60 species of the endangered and rare plants are still found in the Phragmites reed beds and aquatic plant zones surrounding the 23 remaining naikos. Three dimension analysis of the aerial photos suggested that these limocoline plants require floods,i.e., fluctuation in water level to grow. For the fish, 31 indigenous species, half the fish fauna of the lake, were still found from the remaining naikos. But, two invasive alien fishes,i.e., bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, and largemouth bass, Macropterus salmoides, threatened the indigenous fish fauna of naikos, because they not only eat native fishes a lot but also their larvae feed on the same food as native fish larvae. We found that the nursery habitat of these alien fishes slightly differ from that of the indigenous fishes. Thus, conservation and reconstruction of favorite nursery habitat of the indigenous fishes are urgently required, in order to get rid of these alien fishes as the local government had already been conducted. Investigation of detailed distribution of the endangered and rare plants of respective naikos can indicate where should be conserved, and where should be restored. For the conservation and rehabilitation of biodiversity in Lake Biwa and its naikos, it is required to set the goals of restored fauna and flora of respective naikos, based on their local and ecological characteristics. The biota and topogeography about forty or fifty years ago, when human impact of the nature was not so high, will provide useful information to set the restoration goals.
- 滋賀大学の論文
- プラナリア類の外来種
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- 内湖の生物多様性保全・修復に向けて(水辺エコトーンにおける生物多様性と生業活動・コモンズの変容に関する研究)
- 4.琵琶湖周辺水域の生物多様性と微地形(土と基礎の生態学)
- 流域の地域特性に基づく生物多様性保全手法の構築--平成18年度の成果[含 付録 滋賀県水産試験場所蔵魚類標本リスト]
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- 琵琶湖沿岸帯および内湖のミジンコ相
- 内湖の生物多様性維持機構の解明 貴重植物、ヨシおよび在来魚からみた内湖の生物多様性
- 生物多様性からみた内湖復元の重要性について (特集記事 内湖と琵琶湖の関わりを考える)
- 内湖の生物多様性維持機構の解明 琵琶湖周辺内湖における外来魚仔稚魚と在来魚仔稚魚の関係
- 特定研究 北湖深底部の低酸素化に伴う生態系変化の解明--チオプローカと底生動物の変化が訴えるもの
- 北湖深底部の低酸素化に伴う生態系変化の解明--チオプローカの出現
- 琵琶湖岸で冬期に採集されたユスリカ科の 2 新種
- 内湖の生物多様性維持機構の解明 内湖の特性と保全の方向性について
- 16. 琵琶湖北湖で採集された特殊な芽球骨片をもつ淡水海綿(日本動物分類学会第31回大会記事)
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- 湖の生物現象 北湖深底部における底生動物の変化 (滋賀県琵琶湖研究所記念誌) -- (第4部:湖内の研究)
- 琵琶湖の水生ミミズ相III.湖内の分布
- 琵琶湖における水生ミミズ相-1-チェックリスト〔英文〕
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- 内湖の生物多様性維持機構の解明 (滋賀県琵琶湖研究所記念誌) -- (第3部:湖岸域の研究)
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- 琵琶湖産渦虫類文献目録 : 追加I. 補遺と,「琵琶湖生物目録」(MORI,1970; MORI & MIURA,1980,1990)の扁形動物門渦虫網の項にみられる誤りの訂正
- 琵琶湖産渦虫類文献目録
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