- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of the present study were to investigate the resources for formal and informal support for families of children with autism in Malaysia, and, with those findings, study the possibility of Malaysian parents conducting an applied behavior analysis-based treatment program in their homes. A questionnaire survey was conducted of 119 parents who were members of parents' support groups, and intensive interviews were done with 8 parents who responded to the survey and were already using an applied behavior analytic program. The questionnaire results revealed that most of the parents had learned about applied behavior analysis from books or the Internet and had no formal training, and that they were searching for experts to advise them in its use. During the intensive interviews, all the parents reported that they could learn about teaching methods from an applied behavior analysis program. On the other hand, most of them pointed out difficulties in understanding the contents of the program and in confirming whether they could really communicate with their children. To overcome these difficulties, the parents' support groups provided general information and shared the teaching techniques of applied behavior analysis with their members. However, parents noted that even so, they needed to access information about autism other than just the applied behavior analysis program.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 2003-03-31
竹内 康二
那須野 三津子
Research Fellow Of The Japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
山本 淳一
Department of Psychology, Keio University, and RISTEX, Japan Science and Technology Agency
竹内 康二
Disability Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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