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Many investigations have carried out the short-term memory (STM) in the Hearing Impaired. This paper reviewed the results of these experiments, especially the encoding of memory processing. By comparing and evaluating these results, the following seven points were discussed. First, it was considered to construct a model of process, which seems to play such an important role in memory as evidenced by the current experiments data. It showed that recent models of memory were two categories: Multi-store models and information processing models. Secondly, it was concerned with results from experiments using a techniques by the serial learning. These investigations showed no difference between the Hearing and the Hearing Impaired. Thirdly, the results of paired-associate learning task showed that the kinesthetic similarity judgements based on overt dactylic gesture differed qualtatively from confusions arising from covert gesture or deaf Ss used idiosyncratic or at least various, rehearsal and encoding procedures. Fourthly, it was concerned with results from experiments using a techniques by the free-recall learning. These results suggested that acoustic-linguistic mediation was crucial for deaf Ss free recall of verbal materials and information about sequential order could been retained in a posticonic visual store independently of spatial cues. Fifthly, the issue of Conrad's research were discussed about the encoding in the memory process. Main results of these researches showed Hearing Ss made a number of systematic recall errors which could be shown to be acoustically similar to the correct letters, while Deaf Ss also made certain systematic errors but these were not acoustically related to correct letters. Sixthly, this part dealed with manual sign of memory. It was conclued that deaf children encoded categorically in STM suggesting a normlly functioning ability to think abstractly and to process information without acoustic mediations and sign facilitated the recall of the words. Seventhly, this part was concerned with the role which encoding might play in information process of the Hearing Impaired. Based on the results above, it was discussed the problem of verbalvisual memory research. It was suggested the follwing points: the examination effected the factor on the visual memory, the deaf ability about memory, the relation between the material and strategy in the memory, dual-encoding.
- 1982-02-27
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