精神薄弱児の人物画知能検査の併存的妥当性に関する研究 : 田中ビネー知能検査を基準として
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The purpose of this study was to examine the concurrent validity of the Draw-A-Man Intelligence test (DAM) at the mentally retarded children by use of the Tanaka-Binet Intelligence Test for the criterion. Subjects were 165 children in the schools and the classes for the mentally retarded, aged from 6 to 16 years old. The main results were as follows; (1) The means of IQs and MAs obtained by the DAM were significantly higher than those of the Tanaka-Binet IQs and MAs. (2) The correlation coefficient between the DAM IQs and Tanaka-Binet IQs was .6416. (3) The correlation score between the DAM MAs and the Tanaka-Binet MAs was .6503. (4) The multiple regression equations of the DAM MA (X_1), the Tanaka-Binet MA (X_2) and the CA (X_3) were; X^^^_1 = .508X_2 + .083X_3 + 24.55 X^^^_2=.735X_1 + .077X_3 + 2.63. Judging from the results, the writer can say that the concurrent validity of the DAM at the mentally retarded children is guaranteed.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 1980-03-15
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