- 論文の詳細を見る
Human body movements cause slippage of clothing in ways that make clothes look loose in some areas and tight in others. In this research, we identified the points of the body and pants with a three-dimensional motion analysis system during the process of posture change, and clarified the process of slippage that occurs between the body and pants due to movements. In addition, we compared the amount and direction of the slippage by the pants, the subject, and the movement. The main results are as follows: (1) The slippage was greatest at the openings. The direction of the slippage was towards the skin that stretched the most (2) The slippage first tended to occur at the ankle and knee lines where there was extra ease in the pants, and then gradually occurred at the waist line and other areas that had less ease in the clothing. In other words the slippage first tended to occur in the sagittal and lateral directions, and then in the vertical direction. (3) With low-rise, loose and large pants, the amount of downward slippage was greatest at the back waist line. There was a greater backward slippage in the waist line with movements from a standing to squatting position than with movements from a standing to sitting position. Furthermore, the amount of slippage was influenced by how the subjects were dressed.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2008-06-15
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