227 鑑賞教育における共有仮想環境の新たな役割に関する研究(教育〔I〕)
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Today, there are as many as about 5,360 cultural facilities in Japan, and most of them are facing severe shortages of human resources and funds due to the decreasing number of visitors and financial cutbacks. This requires the domestic museums to develop the base of long-time visitors from now by closely working with the local communities, especially schools. In the educational field, the Course of Study was revised in 1998 to incorporate the new section of "appreciation" training. Because this "appreciation" training requires expertise, there are various efforts underway. This research presents the web appreciation materials developed on the basis of image data archived in the digital museum of Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art, and demonstrates the practical classroom activity directed by a teacher using these materials. Through the evaluation using the Kirkpatrick's 4-level evaluation model, we are certain that we have developed more effective appreciation education where teachers and the "real" museum engage in effective cooperation through the medium of the "virtual" digital museum on the Internet.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-07-03
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- 227 鑑賞教育における共有仮想環境の新たな役割に関する研究(教育〔I〕)
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