264 補強リング付き浮屋根ポンツーンの座屈
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The 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake caused severe damage to oil storage tanks due to liquid sloshing. Six single-deck floating roofs had experienced structural problems as evidenced by sinking failure in large diameter tanks at the refinery at Tomakomai, Japan. The pontoon of floating roof might be buckled due to circumferential bending moment during the sloshing. The content in the tank was spilled on the floating roof from small failures which were caused in the rap welding joints of pontoon bottom plate by the buckling. Then the floating roof began to lose buoyancy and submerged into the content slowly. The failure of the roof expanded gradually in the sinking process. It is presumed that the initial small failures were caused by the elastic buckling of the pontoon due to circumferential bending moment. This paper presents the buckling strength of the pontoon using axisymmetric shell finite element analysis. Linear elastic bifurcation buckling analysis is carried out and the buckling characteristics of the pontoon with ring stiffeners are investigated.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-08-06
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- EST-1委員会研究成果抄録
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- EST-1委員会2011年度研究成果抄録
- 2011年に発生したエネルギー貯槽関連事故
- StocExpo 2012報告