357 鉄道車輪/レール連成系の転動音放射パワーに与える車輪形状の影響
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Concerning the rolling noise of wheel/rail coupling system, first the power spectrum of contact force between wheel and rail is calculated by random vibration analysis and besides the vibration responses of rail and wheel is obtained by use of Timoshenko beam theory for rail in addition to FEM model for wheel .Then, using those vibration responses as the boundary conditions of acoustic analysis of BEM, the acoustic powers radiated from wheel and rail are obtained and the rations of respective power to total power are estimated for three kinds of confgurations of wheel, that is, straight web wheel, corrugated web wheel with six circumferential wave number and TGV-type wheel.Concerning the rolling noise of wheel/rail coupling system, first the power spectrum of contact force between wheel and rail is calculated by random vibration analysis and besides the vibration responses of rail and wheel is obtained by use of Timoshenko beam theory for rail in addition to FEM model for wheel .Then, using those vibration responses as the boundary conditions of acoustic analysis of BEM, the acoustic powers radiated from wheel and rail are obtained and the rations of respective power to total power are estimated for three kinds of confgurations of wheel, that is, straight web wheel, corrugated web wheel with six circumferential wave number and TGV-type wheel.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-08-22
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