WS1-4-3 Circadian Variation of Body Water Distribution in Patients with Nocturnal Polyuria : Assessment by Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)(Urodynamic, Prostate and Urethra)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 2008-02-20
鳥本 一匡
Hirao Yoshihiko
Department Of Urology Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Prefectural Nara Hospital
鳥本 一匡
Department of Uroloby, Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Nakai Yasushi
Department of Uroloby, Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Hirayama Akihide
Department Of Urology Nara Medical University
Samma Shoji
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Fujimoto Kiyohide
Deparment Of Pathology Northwestern University Medical School
Nakai Yasushi
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Nakai Yasushi
Department Of Anesthesiology Mie University School Of Medicine
Kagebayashi Yoriaki
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
鳥本 一匡
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Hirao Yoshihiko
Department Of Surgical Oncology Breast And Endocrine Surgery Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
- 根治的前立腺全摘術後尿失禁の予測因子としての骨盤底筋厚の有用性
- 思春期男児膀胱尿道異物の2例 : 自己挿入にいたる背景の考察
- PP-251 健常人を対象にしたイソフラボン錠投与における体内薬物動態に関する臨床研究(第95回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-354 夜間多尿と体内部位別水分量の日内変動との関係 : 生体電気インピーダンス法を用いた検討(第95回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-061 蓄尿障害にテストステロン補充治療は有効か(Andrology・内分泌、陰襄内容・陰茎・尿道,一般演題口演,第96回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- S-29. 過活動膀胱における尿中Prostaglandin E2の定量およびCOX2 inhibitorの臨床的効果(過活動膀胱, 第49回日本平滑筋学会総会)
- PP-526 飲水制限は抗利尿ホルモンの作用を増進させ夜間尿量を減少させる(第95回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- MP-031 自然発症2型糖尿病モデル、SDTラットにおける排尿機能障害に関する検討(一般演題ポスター,第94回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-108 携帯式尿流量測定器の開発および電子排尿日誌の臨床への導入(一般演題口演,第94回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- ラットの糖尿病性尿道機能不全におけるα_1-アドレナリン受容体機能の関与についての検討(第93回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- 小さい腎腫瘍に対するマイクロ波凝固装置を用いた後腹膜鏡下無阻血腎部分切除術
- OP-221 前立腺癌症例におけるLH-RH agonist投与による脂質代謝・体成分への影響(前立腺腫瘍/薬物療法5,一般演題口演,第97回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-219 LHRH agonist投与間隔延長によるPSAおよびTestosterone、LH、FSHの経時的変動(前立腺腫瘍/薬物療法5,一般演題口演,第97回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-095 GnRH agonist1ヵ月製剤の3ヵ月間隔間欠的投与がPSAおよびTestosterone、LH、FSHに与える影響(前立腺腫瘍/薬物療法1,一般演題口演,第96回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-321 県立奈良病院におけるBCG膀胱内注入療法の検討(第95回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- 慢性腎不全・骨髄異形成症候群合併症例における鉄過剰症に対する経口鉄キレート剤の効果と安全性
- OP-320 尿路結石症患者における体脂肪および水分分布の検討(尿路結石症1,一般演題口演,第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-289 既治療BPH症例におけるα受容体遮断薬変更の有用性に関する研究 : 中間解析結果報告(BPH/薬物療法2,一般演題口演,第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-201 過活動膀胱は高血圧の原因となり得るのか?(Neurourology/臨床3,一般演題口演,第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-360 臨床的に閉塞性乾燥性亀頭炎を疑った小児4症例の検討(小児泌尿器科2,一般演題口演,第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-062 過活動膀胱症状を有する患者の夜間頻尿に対するイミダフェナシンの効果(OAB,一般演題口演,第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- Pressure-flow study施行時の経尿道的カテーテルの影響に関する検討 : uroflowmetryとの比較検討
- Intramammary Sentinel Lymph Node in Patients with Breast Cancer : Report of Four Cases
- Association between pentosidine and arteriosclerosis in patients receiving hemodialysis
- Experimental and Clinical Study of Endothelin-1 in Renal Failure
- Immunological evaluation of personalized peptide vaccination monotherapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer
- S9-3 A phase-I trial of CA9 peptide vaccines in HLA-A24 positive patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma(Symposium 9「Recent Trend of Treatment for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma」)
- 尿管結石自然排石症例に関する検討
- 二分脊椎症患者の尿失禁・便失禁に関する調査研究
- 二分脊椎症例の蓄尿機能障害に対する薬物療法の有用性に関する検討
- A case-control study of diet and prostate cancer in Japan : possible protective effect of traditional Japanese diet
- Prognostic factors of renal cell carcinoma with extension into inferior vena cava
- 5-Fluorouracil incorporated into the tissue RNA of human and rat bladder carcinoma after administration of 1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil combined with uracil
- Tissue levels of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase activity in human and rodent bladder cancer and normal bladder tissue
- Chromophobe cell renal carcinoma with acquired cystic disease of the kidney in a long-term hemodialysis patient
- Long-term prophylactic effects of intravesical instillation of thiotepa and oral administration of UFT on the recurrence of superficial bladder cancer after transurethral resection
- Chemopreventive Efficacy of Piroxicam Administered Alone or in Combination with Lycopene and β-Carotene on the Development of Rat Urinary Bladder Carcinoma after N-Butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine Treatment
- Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor as a Candidate Tumor Marker for Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Synchronous bilateral breast cancer in a male patient following hormone therapy for prostate cancer
- Oncoplastic Surgery After Mammary Reduction and Mastopexy for Bilateral Breast Cancer Lesions : Report of a Case
- Guidelines for urological laparoscopic surgery
- 二分脊椎症例に対する回腸利用膀胱拡大術の手術侵襲に関する検討
- Technical acquisition and dosimetric assessment of iodine-125 permanent brachytherapy in localized prostate cancer : Our first series of 100 patients
- Prostate-specific antigen changes as a result of chlormadinone acetate administration to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia : A retrospective multi-institutional study
- Guidelines for management of urinary incontinence
- Evidence-based meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy for benign prostatic hypertrophy
- WS1-3-5 A Prostate Cancer Model by the Prostate Specific Deletion of PTEN(Prostate Cancer)
- Branched chain amino acid in adenine-induced uremic rats treated with rHuEPO
- Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate : An initial Japanese clinical trial
- Aberrations of the p14^ and p16^ Genes in Renal Cell Carcinomas
- Endoscopic Management of Ureteral Calculi : Transurethral Ureterolithotripsy
- Polypoid endometriosis of the ureter mimicking fibroepithelial polyps
- Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prostate Cancer : Summary - JUA 2006 Edition
- Fluid control in elderly patients with nocturia
- Increase in 24-hour urine production/weight causes nocturnal polyuria due to impaired function of antidiuretic hormone in elderly men
- Sexuality and seeking medical help for erectile dysfunction in young adults with spina bifida
- S14-2 Risk factors and prediction of recurrence in superficial bladder cancer(Symposium 14「Management of Superficial Bladder Cancer」)
- Alpha-blocker test : Alternative to pressure-flow study of bladder outlet obstruction and detrusor contractility in patients without an enlarged prostate
- Aggressive angiomyxoma in the scrotum expressing androgen and progesterone receptors
- Variations of transition zone volume and transition zone index after transureghral needle ablation for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia
- WS1-4-3 Circadian Variation of Body Water Distribution in Patients with Nocturnal Polyuria : Assessment by Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)(Urodynamic, Prostate and Urethra)
- Comparison of Serum Levels of Pyridinoline and Pyridinoline Cross-Linked Carboxy-Terminal Telopeptide of Type I Collagen as Markers of Bone Resorption in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis
- 二分脊椎症例に対する回腸利用膀胱拡大術の術後SIRS(systemic inflammatory response syndrome)スコアの検討
- 二分脊椎症例の膀胱尿管逆流に対する単独療法としてのCohen法の長期成績に関する検討
- 前立腺肥大症に対するTamsulosinとNaftopidilの臨床効果に関する比較検討
- Comparison of parameters to determine the cause of urinary disturbance in men with prostate volume less than 20 milliliters
- Spontaneously ruptured multilocular cystic nephroma
- Reversibility of adenine-induced renal failure in rats
- 症例 陰唇癒着症の1例
- CIC施行症例における膿尿出現の背景因子に関する検討
- Patterns of failure and influence of potential prognostic factors after surgery in transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract
- Expression of pepsinogen II with androgen and estrogen receptors in human prostate carcinoma
- New cystoscopic diagnosis for interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome using narrow-band imaging system
- Exogenous Epidermal Growth Factor Exerts Promoting Action during the Early Phase of Rat Urinary Bladder Carcinogenesis
- Transperineal microwave needle ablation of the prostate in the canine prostatic hyperplasia model and patients with benign prostatic enlargement
- Intrarenal pelvic papillary Wilms' tumor associated with aniridia:A case report
- Maintenance intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin instillation for Ta, T1 cancer and carcinoma in situ of the bladder : Randomized controlled trial by the BCG Tokyo Strain Study Group
- Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 mutation in voided urine is a useful diagnostic marker and significant indicator of tumor recurrence in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
- Role of syndecan-1 (CD138) in cell survival of human urothelial carcinoma
- Hydrodistension under local anesthesia for patients with suspected painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis : Safety, diagnostic potential and therapeutic efficacy
- Urinary schistosomiasis in a Japanese man
- OP-246 High-grade T1膀胱癌の術後再発に対するsecond TURとBCG膀胱内注入療法の意義(膀胱腫瘍/手術,一般演題口演,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- PP-440 局所浸潤性膀胱癌に対するCDDP少量動注併用放射線療法(一般演題ポスター発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-287 LOH症候群に関連する自覚症状について : 関谷式問診表の後ろ向き検討(不妊・Andrology2,一般演題口演,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- The nationwide study of bacterial pathogens associated with urinary tract infections conducted by the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
- PP-915 夜間頻尿に対するイミダフェナシンの効果 : 尿意付き排尿日誌を用いた検討(発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- PP-148 過活動膀胱治療による尿意に伴う血圧変化への影響(発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- OP-144 LHRH agonist4週製剤の投与間隔延長におけるTestosterone、LH、FSHの経時的変化(前立腺腫瘍/薬物療法1,一般演題口演,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- APP-067 ユビキタス総合排尿機能診断機器の開発(総会賞応募ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- Clinicopathological review of 46 primary retroperitoneal tumors
- A single-dose regimen for antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent perioperative infection in urological clean and clean-contaminated surgery
- Oncoplastic Surgery Combining Partial Mastectomy with Breast Reconstruction Using a Free Nipple-Areola Graft for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in a Ptotic Breast : Report of a Case
- Immediate Breast Reconstruction Using Autologous Free Dermal Fat Grafts Provides Better Cosmetic Results for Patients with Upper Inner Cancerous Lesions
- MiR-96 and miR-183 detection in urine serve as potential tumor markers of urothelial carcinoma : correlation with stage and grade, and comparison with urinary cytology
- Risk-stratified survival rates and predictors of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in a Nara, Japan, cohort study
- Oncoplastic surgery for Japanese patients with ptotic breasts
- Oncoplastic Surgery for Japanese Patients with Breast Cancer of the Lower Pole
- Tumor suppressive microRNA-375 regulates oncogene AEG-1/MTDH in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)