Comparison of Serum Levels of Pyridinoline and Pyridinoline Cross-Linked Carboxy-Terminal Telopeptide of Type I Collagen as Markers of Bone Resorption in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis
Okajima E
Urology Nara Prefecturel Nara Medical University
Okajima Eigoro
Department Of Urology Nara Medical University
YOSHIDA Katsunori
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
TANAKA Nobumichi
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University
Department of Urology, Nara Medical University School of Medicine
Department of Urology, Prefectural Nara Hospital
Samma Shoji
Department Of Urology Prefectural Nara Hospital
Samma Shoji
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Okajima Eigoro
Urology Nara Prefecturel Nara Medical University
Akiyama Tatsuya
Department Of Urology Prefectural Nara Hospital
Akiyama Tatsuya
Department Of Urology Nara Medical University School Of Medicine
ARIMA Masaaki
Kashiwai Clinic
JOKO Masanori
Department Urology, Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Yoshida Katsunori
Department Of Urology Nara Prefectural Mimuro Hospital
Tanaka Nobumichi
Department Of Urology Nara Medical University
Joko Masanori
Department Urology Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Kagebayashi Yoriaki
Department Of Urology Nara Prefectural Mimuro Hospital
Kagebayashi Yoriaki
Department Of Uroloby Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital
Yoshida Katsunori
Department Of Hemodialysis Nara Medical University
TANAKA Nobumichi
Departments of Urology Nara-Prefectural Nara Hosupital
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