学校運営における「食」の意味と課題 : 学校給食システムと食育の関連から
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The purpose of this paper is to make clear that constitution of school lunch system and consideration of meaning and issues on school management concerning dietary in school. We can see two prominent movements on dietary in school. One is that dietary education is more introducing to public schools. The other is that some parents refuse to pay school lunch fee while they can afford to pay. These are why the purpose of this study is set. The school lunch system consists of three elements; explicit aims, implicit function and beneficiary evaluation. Explicit aims contain poverty relief, industry protect and secure nutrition. Implicit function has uniform way inside school and making good relationship among the people who have lunch together. Beneficiary evaluation depends on individuals feeling, for example, good taste. Those factors also connect to the mass consumption and supply system. The uniform way inside school brings some stress to teachers, children and parents. However, Jiyu Gakuen, a private school founded in 1921, puts dietary education in the center of school management and attains good education results while it is under uniform way. We should notice public school lunch system is far from the content of The Law of Dietary Education and public schools will have to treat two contradicted things on dietary in schools. Improving the condition for dietary of teachers is also an important issue. It is possible to gain some devices for changing the school lunch system by referring to the dietary education at Jiyu Gakuen.
- 学校運営における「食」の意味と課題 : 学校給食システムと食育の関連から
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- 学校・教員評価の在り方に関する考察--公共哲学と組織マネジメントの観点から
- 学校運営における「食」の意味と課題--学校給食システムと食育の関連から
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