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The deliberation on teacher pay system have being happen under present central government policy, which is to collect financial condition. The amount of teacher salary is the highest cost in public education service. Central government policy is affected by New Public Management, which was introduced in UK in 80s'. However the Blair Administration in UK have been saying that it would support NPM as means and partnership as purpose. Therefore we will see the present situation and issues on teacher pay system in England & Wales in this paper. We can look teacher pay system in four points of view ; general rules, financial resources, distribution to school, distribution to teachers. General rules are in the document written by School Teachers Review Body. Main financial resource is Dedicated School Grand by central government and is distributed to each school through approval of school forum in local county according with local financial scheme. In school, governing body decides each teacher salary. The important point in the change of teacher pay system is to secure professional development. Performance threshold has possibility of it. The other points, to guarantee circumstance for partnership among teachers, to connect personal evaluation and school evaluation, and the scope of criterion in performance management, is also suggestive for Japanese pay system reform.
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