会話セッションの進展に伴う発話の変化 : Verbal Response Modesの観点から
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Change in conversational behavior with the progress of a conversation between two people who have met for the first time was quantitatively examined from the perspective of Verbal Response Modes (VRM: Stiles, 1992 etc.). Participants were 18 pairs of female university students who met for the first time. They participated in 10-minute conversation sessions three times at one-week intervals. All the utterances were classified into VRM, and the frequency and time of the appearance of utterances were measured. Results indicated that internal self-disclosures were often made as the conversation session advanced. More questions were asked and more objective information was conveyed in the first meeting than in sessions thereafter. Moreover, results of time series analysis indicated that a "Disclosure→Disclosure" pattern often appeared as the session advanced. The correlation analysis of the number of utterances of two people suggested various results related to the uncertainty reduction theory (Berger & Calabrese, 1975). Finally, the relation between the number of utterances and the impressions of each session was examined and discussed overall with the change in the number of utterances.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 2008-02-29
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